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The STONE John Zorn |
September 2009 at the Stone
9/1 Tuesday (YT) 8 pm Michael Clemow's "Cloud Seeding" Michael Clemow (granular synthesis instruments) A Brooklyn based sound designer and performing artist, Michael Clemow's current work is focused on designing idiosyncratic instruments/algorithms for improvisational music using granular synthesis. Clemow will present a series of etudes using such instruments. http://michaelclemow.com 10 pm Satoko Fujii Min-Yoh Ensemble Natsuki Tamura (trumpet) Curtis Hasselbring (trombone) Andrea Parkins (accordion) Satoko Fujii (piano, vocal) Min-Yoh means folk music in Japanese. After Satoko studied classical and jazz, she has come to find in Min-Yoh a totally different power from the music she had previously studied and played. Satoko and her Min-Yoh Ensemble put its deep and powerful expression into this music. 9/2 Wednesday (JM) 8 pm John Zorn Birthday Concert—Alhambra Love Songs Rob Burger (piano) Shanir Blumenkranz (bass) Ben Perowsky (drums) The fabulous Alhambra trio comes in to perform the music from one of Zorn's most recent and most beautiful CDs. TWENTY DOLLARS. 10 pm John Zorn Birthday Concert—Hymns, Prayers and Sacred Dances Rob Burger (piano) Kenny Wollesen (vibraphone) Shanir Blumenkranz (bass) Ben Perowsky (drums) The world premiere of Zorn's newest compositions written for the fabulous Alhambra trio, with Kenny Wollesen on vibes! TWENTY DOLLARS. 9/3 Thursday (CB) 8 pm Leesa & Nicole Leesa Abahuni, Nicole Abahuni (visuals, circuits, bassoons) guest Ernesto Klar (sound and media artist) Musical composition by Aaron Alden; World Premiere of Dulcianae by Elliott Sharp for 2 bassoons and processed bassoon. http://www.abahuni.org 10 pm Live Footage Topu Lyo (electric cello, loops) Mike Thies (drums, keys) Brooklyn based duo performs original compositions with lots of room for improvisation based on live looping. Some have described their music as a combination of Squarepusher meets Debussy. www.livefootagebrooklyn.com 9/4 Friday (JM) 8 pm Anima——'De l'autre côté du monde' Aya Nishina (piano, voice, electronics) Thierry Gomar (vibraphone) with Red Light New Music—Christiana Little (soprano) Eileen Mack (clarinet) Jessie Marino (cello) John Popham (cello) Yegor Shevtov (piano) Thierry Gomar’s vibraphone reverberates like no other, between the worlds—jazz, medieval and baroque music, contemporary and repetitive music. Anima, a duet collaboration formed by Aya Nishina and Thierry Gomar since March 2009, features graphically noted compositions by Toru Takemitsu and Scott Wollschleger; improvisations inspired by a new work for solo clarinet by Vincent Raikhel; personal interpretations of music from medieval era. 10 pm Red Light New Music Christiana Little (soprano) Eileen Mack (clarinet) Jessie Marino (cello) John Popham (cello) Yegor Shevtov (piano) Red Light New Music opens it's 5th season with new chamber works at the Stone. The Red Light Ensemble performs works by Liza Lim and Reiko Füting, alongside new pieces by Red Light Composers Vincent Raikhel, Scott Wollschleger, Chris Cerrone and Kyle Hillbrand. Red Light New Music is a New York-based ensemble, concert series, and composers collective dedicated to presenting exciting and original contemporary music from musicians around the world. We perform, present, and compose works that are both avant-garde and visceral, challenging and edifying -- we strive to present works which both expands and enriches what the word music means. 9/5 Saturday (YT) 8 pm Ky (from Paris) Yann Pittard (baritone guitar, oud, fx) Maki Nakano (sax, metal-clarinet) guest Gaston Zirko (drums) Named after a French word for 'who', Ky never know who is the third musician. Undoing the boudaries between the original and improvisation, they take tunes of Erik Satie and mingle with their own improv-mindset. http://www.myspace.com/lamusiquedeky 10 pm Word Games Dave Miller (drums, cymbals, compositions) Trevor Lagrange (piano, wurlitzer, composition) Dave Schnug (alto sax) This performance is celebrating the release of "Rough Lay" the not-yet critically acclaimed self-release by Word Games. The first 25 audience member will receive a free CD with admission. www.myspace.com/wordgamesword 9/6 Sunday (JV) 8 pm Yuko Fujiyama Ensemble Olivia de Prato (violin) Tomas Ulrich (cello) Reggie Nicholson (drums) Yuko Fujiyama (piano) Colorful compositions and improvisation. 10 pm Shanir Ezra Blumenkranz - SURVIVAL - Music for Rashied Ali Shanir Ezra Blumenkranz (bass, oud) Louie Belogenis (sax) 9/8 Tuesday (CB) 8 pm Centric 3 Shoko Nagai (moog, piano, electronics) Elliot Sharp (guitar, effect) Anton Fier (drums) www.myspace.com/shokonagai 10 pm SSSS (Super Seaweed Sex Scandal) Nonoko Yoshida (alto sax) John Stanesco (tenor sax) Paul Wheeler (guitar) Borey Shin (piano, accordion) Joe Merolla (bass, cello) Justin Veloso (drums) The youngest generation of the Downtown Music Scene! Everyone come on out and hear these twenty-something lunatics KICK OUT THE JAMS! FIVE DOLLARS 9/9 Wednesday (NY) 8 pm Joe Onishi (From Boston) Joe Onishi (synth, electronics) Andrew Eisenberg (percussion) Noell Dorsey (voice) Jules Vasylenko (saxophone, bamboo saxophone) They will piece together a jigsaw-puzzle of genres and timbres to create an eclectic picture of 21st century turmoil and confusion,from the ridiculous to the sublime. http://www.myspace.com/llrllrllrllrllrllr 10 pm Trevor Dunn Trevor Dunn (bass) Travis Laplante (tenor sax) Randy Peterson (drums) From Brooklyn. 9/10 Thursday (RB) 8 pm Chris DiMeglio's Imaginary Quartet Chris DiMeglio (trumpet) Steve Swell (trombone) Adam Lane (bass) Andrew Drury (drums) The debut of a new group performing sometimes-jazz-derived-sometimes-not compositions by DiMeglio. 10 pm Eishin Nose New York Trio Eishin Nose (piano) Dave Ambrosio (bass) Satoshi Takeishi (drums) New album "Inside Out Dream" CD release party. www.eishinnose.com 9/11 Friday (JM) 8 pm Ned Rothenberg Ned Rothenberg (sax) Ikue Mori (electronics) Alex Waterman (cello) 10 pm AZMARI (from Japan) Hiroshi Morita (keyboard) Bunpei Shibuya (guitar) Takahisa Oji (drums) AZMARI -an European equivalent of bard in Ethiopia- was formed in 2005. Emerging from Tokyo basement jam sessions, the trio hits tropical-jazz-rock taking a comfortable ride on aboriginal rhythms. http://www.myspace.com/azzzmari 9/12 Saturday (NY) 8 pm Tsuyoshi Furuhashi Tsuyoshi Furuhashi (tenor sax, flute) Reggie Nicholson (drums) Francois Grillot (bass) Trevor Lagrange (piano) Special appearance at The Stone by this exciting saxophonist from Japan. 10 pm Sachi Hayasaka, Toshiki Nagata and Shiro Sadamura Sachi Hayasaka (sax) Toshiki Nagata (bass) Shiro Sadamura (violin) 9/13 Sunday (RB) 8 pm MERMORT sounds film (from Japan) Satoshi Tanaka (guitar) Mamiko Shimizu (keyboard, vocal) Haruhisa Tanaka (laptop, sampler) Takahisa Oji (drums) Takumi Ozuru (imagery) Formed in 2004, the five-piece sound/film collective from Tokyo has been creating another universe combining rock, hard-core, progressive, classical and noise galore. Their lyrical yet vivid pieces possess messages that bite you, then leave you with luke-warm feelings. http://www.myspace.com/mermortsoundsfilm 10 pm Tom Zlabinger Quartet Tom Zlabinger (bass) Dave Schnug (sax, flute) Dave Miller (drums) Nonoko Yoshida (alto sax) 9/15 Tuesday (MP) 8 pm Mudang Rouge Chuck Bettis (electronics, throat) Jerry Lim (guitar, kayagum) Evan Rapport (sax) Perpetual journeys into the unknown www.chuckbettis.com 10 pm Rashanim Jon Madof (guitar, banjo) Shanir Ezra Blumenkranz (acoustic bass guitar, bass banjo) Mathias Kunzli (percussion) Rashanim performs a set of acoustic music from their new CD on Tzadik 'The Gathering' www.rashanim.com 9/16 Wednesday (JC) 8 and 10 pm JOHN ZORN IMPROV NIGHT—A Stone Benefit John Zorn, Nonoko Yoshida (sax) Tsuyoshi Furuhashi (tenor sax) Dougie Bowne (drums) Shanir Blumenkranz (bass) Kevin Norton (vibes) Bill Payne (clarinet) Adam Caine, Andy Fite (guitar) Lorenzo Sanguedolce (tenor saxophone) David Arner, Ursel Schlicht, Connie Crothers, Carol Liebowitz (piano) Dori Levine (voice) Another East Village Rent Party to support The Stone. Twenty dollars. 9/17 Thursday (RB) 8 pm Andy Fite Andy Fite (guitar, voice) Andy Fite is an American jazz guitarist, singer and song writer, living in Sweden since 1994. His main concern as a performer is to do just whatever he wants and his hope each time is to spark a little joy for his audience, and perhaps to let them hear something they might not have expected. 10 pm Bill Payne and Connie Crothers Bill Payne (clarinet) Connie Crothers (piano) Music from the heart, free as a bird. 9/18 Friday (JV) 8 pm Harvey Diamond Harvey Diamond (piano) 10 pm Richard Tabnik Trio Richard Tabnik (alto saxophone) Roger Mancuso (drums) Adam Lane (bass) Tonight's set will feature the world premier performance of Symphony for Jazz Trio: A Prayer for Peace 9/19 Saturday (RK) 8 and 10 pm Jemeel Moondoc Quartet Jemeel Moondoc (alto saxophone) Connie Crothers (piano) Henry Grimes (bass, violin) Chad Taylor (drums) Fifteen dollars. 9/20 Sunday (RB) 8 pm Carol Liebowitz Carol Liebowitz (piano) 10 pm TranceFormation Andrea Wolper (voice) Ken Filiano (bass) Connie Crothers (piano) Three musical “voices” join to make music cooperatively as they weave in, out and among one another, extending, bending and experimenting with the sonic capabilities of their respective instruments. 9/22 Tuesday (RG) 8 pm Bud Tristano and Valentina Nazarenko Bud Tristano (guitar) Valentina Nazarenko (piano) 10 pm Ursel Schlicht Ursel Schlicht (piano) Ursel Schlicht will play a rare solo set of her music, exploring the piano from subtle glissandi on the strings to resounding groove. 9/23 Wednesday (NYYT) 8 pm Dori Levine Dori Levine (voice) Dori Levine explores the possibilities of solo voice in and out of the box, including traveling to other cultures, planets, worlds, forests, jungles, musical genres, relationships--wherever the journey leads. Program is improvised and not augmented by electronics or other devices...raw and naked solo voice. 10 pm Virg Dzurinko Virg Dzurinko (piano) 9/24 Thursday (SK) 8 pm Nick Lyons Nick Lyons (alto saxophone) 10 pm John Wagner and Tom Blancarte John Wagner (drums) Tom Blancarte (bass) 9/25 Friday (DS) 8 pm Kazzrie Jaxen Kazzrie Jaxen (piano, voice) "Love's Fire,” an improvisational journey into the dreamtime through the portal of Rumi poetry. 10 pm Kazzrie Jaxen Kazzrie Jaxen (piano) Charley Krachy (tenor saxophone) Ratzo Harris (bass) "Sculpting Light," duo/trio improvisations exploring the luminosity of melody and mystery. 9/26 Saturday (KR) 8 pm Connie Crothers Quartet Connie Crothers (piano) Richard Tabnik (alto saxophone) Roger Mancuso (drums) Ken Filiano (bass) How do you open up music this far, all the while leaving its nature to be itself? Connie's band is like seashells who all spiral in the same direction, the core mystery is how the spiral is really the improvisation. -- M. Weber 10 pm Connie Crothers Quartet with Mark Weber Connie Crothers (piano) Richard Tabnik (alto saxophone) Roger Mancuso (drums) Ken Filiano (bass) Mark Weber (poet) You have to be careful what you say, words rule the world, maybe tonite we'll find the words to make it real. -- M. Weber 9/27 Sunday (MP) 8 pm Kevin Norton Kevin Norton (vibes, percussion) Kevin Norton plays solo percussion rarely, this perhaps being his second solo performance (the first was after the release of "Quark Bercuse: Solo Percussion, Volume 1"). Kevin is a bandleader, composer and percussionist-collaborator with musicians like Anthony Braxton, Joëlle Léandre, Connie Crothers and Frode Gjestad. 10 pm Lorenzo Sanguedolce and Michael Bisio Lorenzo Sanguedolce (tenor saxophone) Michael Bisio (bass) This dynamically expressive sax-bass duo will be celebrating the release of their new LP on No Business Records, a limited vinyl pressing and Sanguedolce’s debut album. 9/29 Tuesday (RG) 8 pm Cheryl Richards Cheryl Richards (voice) Nick Lyons (alto saxophone) Adam Lane (bass) Sometimes sparse and simple, sometimes complex and lush. Improvised pieces and freely interpreted jazz standards. 10 pm David Arner David Arner (piano) An avid birder, Arner will premiere his "Birds of Central Park," another improvisatory composition in his ongoing series called "Abstract Songs for Birds." This is Arner's first solo piano appearance in NYC since the Knitting Factory in the 90s. 9/30 Wednesday (SK) 8 pm Stefano Pastor Stefano Pastor (violin) Stefano Pastor presents "Chants", his new CD for the English label "Slam,” a solo work which represents a moving challenge and an expansion of violin sound. If solo violin works are very rare, a solo work exploring the standard repertoire with just a bow instrument is probably unique. 10 pm Adam Caine Adam Caine (guitar) |